Monday, 10 May 2021

How to Swing in Golf With Proper Equipment

This post is to help you understand the importance of how to swing in golf with the proper equipment.

I have been telling you about my adventures with my driver since I had a new shaft put on it. Well, I am here to tell you that I got screwed.

Yesterday, I went golfing with the boys. We had to play the back nine twice as the grounds crew was on the front nine aerating the greens. Hey, they only charged us $10, so who can complain.

The first round we played from the back tees and I used my driver for golf to tee off with on all par fours and fives, But it is like walking a tight rope. The swing has to be just the right speed or I am in the right fairway. That is pretty hard as there is plenty of room between holes. But I hit some spectacular balls high and right. I think I hit three fairway shots and four off to the right.

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The end result was I shot a 46 and it was quite the struggle.

Then when we went to play the back nine again, someone got the bright idea to play from the gold tee. These are normally used by the seniors and in some instances, the difference between the back or blue tees and the gold tees may only be 10 yards but in some other instances, it can be as much as 50 yards.

So I put my driver in the bag and used my three metals for most of my drives. OMG, what a difference. I was pretty much straight with every drive and in play all the time. And I was driving just as far as my driver which now is about 230 yards.

The end result was a 41. I was in play all nine holes and got no birdies and five pars. Three bogies and one double bogie where I skulled a chip over the green after putting my second shot just short of the green, then chipped on and two put for a six.

The second time we played the back nine was much more fun. I felt like a good golfer again compared to the first round on the back. There was one unique event that occurred. The first nine we played to the 17th hole. A par three is surrounded by water on three sides. My least favorite hole.

I got up and shot and put my drive with a six-iron slightly over the green but within the confines of the hole. When I chipped out of the rough, it was a chip of seven feet to the green and then about 15 feet to the hole. Well as luck would have it the ball went into the hole for a birdie two.

Now the second time we played it, I used a nine iron for a 124 yard shot from the gold tees. The ball went straight and landed in the sand trap behind the green. I was concerned that I would chip out too hard and run all the way through the green into the water. It was suggested by a couple of the guys that I put out instead of chipping out as the grass would allow the putt to go through and it was all downhill to the green.

The ball is sitting in the trap about eight feet above the green and the sand is like dried mud. So I use my pitching wedge and chip out to the rough but the ball keeps ongoing and is now on the green but it still has about 15 feet to the pin but it has picked up speed and is headed for the pin.

OMG was I going to chip this one in too. Well, it hit the pin and bounced away about six inches for a tap in par but holy smokes how ironic was that. I played the hole twice, got a total of five out of a possible six and hit the pin twice, and put just once.

So the end result was I parred the last four holes and was very happy. I used my driver one time and that was on the 18th hole. From upfront, after the drive, I was only about 240 yards away from the green and I took the shortcut as it is a slight dogleg right. My drive was in the right rough with an uphill lie from a big mound I was on. I found an opening between the evergreens and shot at the green with my three metals.

My ball just short of the green by about 20 yards. I chipped on but the ball hit the face of a mound on the green when it landed about three feet short of where I wanted it to land and it checked up for a 12-foot putt. I missed but had a tap in for a par.

As this was an experiment for all of us, by the way, we played a six-person group in 4 hours and 10 minutes, to see what the difference would be by using the blues one nine and the golds on the same line right after, it was found that the average difference, without my scores, was about one stroke. I was five better and it was only because I did not use my driver and was hitting a club, from the gold, that was about the same as the driver would have been from the blues.

So my only tip for today is like yesterday, get good equipment made for you and the way you play your game.

Get the Simple Golf Swing tutorial to help improve your game for better golf scores. I am a perfect example of using tutorials online to learn how to play better. Last year at this time I was hitting in the high forties and low fifties for nine holes. Yesterday, I shot in the mid-forties and low-forties for nine holes for 87 total compared to 100 totals for 18 holes last year.

I would expect that after I get my clubs turned around and complete, I will be shooting in the low forties all the time and in the thirties sometimes. So, to learn how to swing in golf a club to get the perfect golf swing you must learn from a pro to simplify your golf swing and it can be done online.

See ya next week. I have both of my children coming home today, so I am excited to see them. They have not been home together here for almost three years. So it is a special day. I want you to have a great weekend.

Are you looking for Hamburg Sommerfest? Be sure to visit my site Hamburg Oktoberfest 

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